Camp Spinal 15.-21.6. Oslossa Norjassa

ke helmik. 27 14:35:00 2019

Camp Spinal järjestetään Oslossa Norjassa 15.-21.6.2019.

Toiminnallinen leiri on suunnattu 13-30-vuotiaille selkäydinvammaisille henkilöille ja sen tarkoituksena on tarjota innoitusta ja opastusta aktiiviseen elämään vamman kanssa. 

Leiri on osallistujille maksuton. Hakuaika päättyy 15.3.2019. 

Lue lisää leiristä tapahtuman norjankielisiltä verkkosivuilta.

In English:

Nordic Activity Course for youths with an acquired spinal cord injury

This activity course is organised by Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital, in close cooperation with Sunnaas Foundation, The Norwegian Spinal Cord Injury Association and other SCI Hospitals in Norway and the Nordic countries. The purpose of this course is to inspire and guide you to lead an active life despite your disability. Focus on opportunities rather than limitations!

It is also a brilliant opportunity to meet new friends. The course is ideal for youths who need motivation for living and active life. The instructors, who themselves have an SCI will be there to assist you in all activities and daily routines. The overall aim for this course is that your disability should not affect your life more than necessary. It should also inspire you to lead an active life style when you return home. The idea is that participants can find inspiration by sharing their own successes.

Relatives will also be able to take part at the end of the week to share their own experiences. The course is held at the National Olympic Sports Centre in Oslo, which is an inspiring site to learn new skills. Service personnel will be available to cater to your personal needs if required.

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